Delegate and retain control
A young lady with an entrepreneurial spirit was dissatisfied with the taste of Asian foods in her town. She decided to make her own meals which she supplied to local fish and chips shops. The manager at the local supermarket loved her meals so much that he offered to stock her frozen easy to reheat meals if she could deliver sufficient quantities on a weekly basis.
When word got to the head office of the supermarket chain as to the popularity of the frozen meals the head office offered to stock the entrepreneur’s frozen meals in all their stores nationwide.
To supply in bulk, the young entrepreneur had to scale up her business by setting up her own commercial kitchen. A business consultant helped her to prepare and implement an action plan.
Operating a business and managing a team was something new to her. She got consulting advice on hiring, training, managing and leading her business team. She engaged specialist in finance and business operations to get production off the ground while she honed her leadership and public relations skills by attending presentations and networking events.
Her vision was, to deliver tastes just like home cooked meals. Her grandmother’s belief that preparing food was a family activity shaped her values. This defined the business culture and inspired frozen meals that tasted like fresh home cooking when reheated.
The entrepreneur worked at developing competitive leadership knowledge and skills in finance, marketing, operations and motivation. Sher encouraged her business team to be innovative.
The food preparation business operates in an environment of continual change in consumer taste and choice. This requires leaders who respond to change in contrast to managers who focus on maintaining the status quo.
Our entrepreneur succeeds because she knows that today’s leaders have to be visionary. They have to be good at continually learning and teaching new ideas and practices. They need to understand paradigm shifts in society and maintain strong values to sustain integrity in their team.
To achieve goals, leaders should delegate task for execution by a team. Delegation should be done in a manner that encourages team initiative while the leader remains in control.
To be effective team leaders we need to develop and strengthen the following attributes:
Psychological Strength
Have positive values that guide us in dealing with stress and overcoming adversity. This we can do by identifying and implementing solutions to overcome obstacles to achieve our vision. Have the confidence to assert our will and inspire our team to implement a plan of action.
Positive Energy
Health is wealth and as leaders we need this to remain energized so that we can infuse our team with a sense of enthusiasm and optimism to act decisively.
Sense Of Duty
Act based on a sense of duty to implement decisions that measure up to high standards of professional excellence.
Fact Driven Action
Take calculated risk by making decisions and taking action only after evaluating all available facts. We must avoid reckless action where no facts support the decision.
Have the determination to continue taking action based on lessons learnt. Be undeterred by past failures.
Leadership attributes can be acquired by anyone who works at developing emotional resilience and intellectual knowledge. Read for pleasure and knowledge. Interact with people who have a positive outlook on life. This can help to boost our self-confidence and increase our stamina so we become effective leaders.
To succeed in business over the long term we need to pursue excellence relentlessly.
Siddha Param
International Business Consultant
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