A 24/7 Online Promotion Pitch
Inspiring videos that captivate
We live in a world of information overload. With just a tap on a smart device the consumer is faced with an avalanche of information. In such an environment you may only have 10 seconds to engage, inspire and make your pitch.
If a picture is worth a thousand words then a video must be worth a million!
We all have memories of memorable moments from a favourite movie or TV series from our childhood. Equally interesting are the moments in our own life and work experiences. If only I had captured that moment! I would be showing you a video when as a kid I slipped, fell down a flight of stairs, landed on my feet and walked away cool as a cat with not a scratch.
To get the attention and capture the imagination of consumers repeatedly, re-tell the moments that inspire through videos.
Capture on a video, a customer’s description of the moment of that first sip of your coffee brew. The vivid description of the wonderful aroma and delightful taste could just inspire viewers to try your coffee. I enjoy an Italian coffee that wakes me up each morning. The aroma and first sip is truly a moment in paradise.
For a realtor, how about shooting a video of a client telling of how they felt the moment they stepped into the house they now own. The story of their journey of working and saving towards home ownership may inspire others to work towards becoming your next customer.
On Demand Video Advertising
Notice how we used to wait for that particular day and time to view a program on TV? Now, for more and more programs and movies, consumers have an option to view on demand at their convenience on the internet.
An advertisement that makes you want to pick up the phone and call now like those on the TV Shopping Channel can now be placed on a website for 24/7 viewing by consumers at a time of their choosing.
Information, Inspiration And Interest
An inspiring consumer experience story is very often the key to creating interest. Once the video gets the viewer’s attention, delivering information from a consumer perspective can be very effective in creating awareness and confidence in your brand.
Giving information in digestible bytes is key to retaining consumer attention. Always remember that there are many videos, photographs and articles on the internet and your video needs to be memorable enough to trigger action by consumers.
A consumer experience with your brand that inspires and makes viewers feel good can trigger the impulse to make that phone call to you. That is when closing a sale begins.
Siddha Param
International Business Consultant
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