Consultants, Mentors & Masterminds
Many large corporations have a board of directors consisting of experienced specialist who provide advice that enables a chief executive and his team to run the business more efficiently. Smaller businesses may not have the advantage of such a separate board of directors to advise and support the owner operator.
A small business can acquire the leadership and management advantages of larger corporations by assembling a team of specialist advisers who can mentor and guide the business towards high growth.
There are many experienced individuals who are very willing to share their knowledge with those new to a business. To benefit from the experience of knowledgeable individuals we must take the initiative to ask for advice and assistance.
A young manager joined a large corporation headed by a well-respected senior corporate leader. This leader was known as a person who did not indulge in casual conversation. The young manager was told by the staff that the corporate leader was too busy to have time for juniors. However, the young manager discovered that if he did his research on a task and stayed late at the office he was able to get a few minutes meeting time with the corporate leader.
By staying late regularly the young manager was able to meet the senior corporate leader and gain deep insight into how to lead a business. These brief late evening meets helped the young manager to fast track his knowledge growth. This gave him the confidence to venture out with his own business picking up clients the large corporation would not normally take on.
A team of experienced advisers can accelerate business growth by sharing their knowledge.
Assemble a group of experienced business individuals from the mentors, mastermind leaders and consultants you meet, to help you grow your business more effectively.
Creating a board of experienced advisers to provide advice, guidance and encouragement results in the following advantages:
Your Specialist Business Team
By having specialist from various fields available to advise you on the different areas of business such as finance, marketing, innovation and operations you can make better decisions.
Overcome Limitations of a Sole-Operator
More heads are better than one. Having a board of advisers to help you make decisions and implement your action plan helps you achieve goals in a timely manner.
Grow Collaborative Opportunities
Members of your board of advisers could become collaborators that provide expertise your business may not have. This can lead to your business being able to take on projects that require expertise not available within your business.
Expand Your Network
You could find new business opportunities through the networks of contacts of members on your board of advisers. Conversely you can promote the business of your advisers within your existing network.
Grow Your Knowledge
In today’s information driven market the more knowledgeable you become the better will you be able to identify and benefit from opportunities.
It is worth investing time in assembling a board of experienced and knowledgeable advisers to help you grow your business.
Siddha Param
International Business Consultant
Reboot your business plan for sustained high growth
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