A sustainable action plan
A Business driven by a passion to excel creates opportunities for high growth.
Real World Planning
A business needs to focus on achieving goals that are profitable for:
1. The organization; and,
2. The individuals involved in performing the necessary work.
Sharing the success of the business with the people who contributed to the success of the business encourages continued individual commitment that leads to sustained success.
Hire qualified and competent individuals to produce quality in a timely manner. Training and guidance should be adopted to ensure the full potential of the individual is utilized for maximum performance. It is important to invest in continual skills. This ensures responsiveness to changes in the market.
There is a learning curve that determines how fast you and your team can learn, adapt and respond to changes in the business environment. Be aware of this when planning for skills upgrades.
The Passion that drives you
For longer term success and high growth it is essential that you identify what drives you to perform the repeated actions that lead to achieving goals. Once you know you strengths you can build on them through continual learning, advice and practice.
Leverage on your strengths. Identify areas where you need specialist support. Hire the best individuals possible to provide quality services.
Many hands make light work. A team of specialist in the different areas of business working towards achieving an identified business goal leads towards success.
Encourage every team member to contribute their knowledge, skills, personalities and experiences to the team objectives. This can turn a good idea into in series of well executed actions that lead towards the set goal.
Achieve Ambitions through practical action.
You need to understand the strengths inherent in your business. Identify your organization’s capabilities and capacity to deliver to customers. Maximize the utilization of your resources to get maximum benefit from your investments.
Identify the market niche that you have the capacity to satisfy consistently. Plan a marketing strategy that enables you to reach the most number of customers within you niche. The big fish in the pond gets noticed.
Celebrating the local hero image can put a spot light on your business in a way that gets you noticed in the wider market through publicity. Promote your local success story in similar niche markets in other communities allowing for exponential growth in market opportunities.
Make sure you are in a position to build up capacity quickly enough to deliver quality in a timely manner should sales increase rapidly.
Continual high growth demands that we continue to deliver satisfaction to customers even as we expand the business. This is best achieved with periodic objective analysis and advice from independent consultants.
Siddha Param
International Business Consultant
Reboot your business plan for sustained high growth.