Competent teams delivering on innovation
A Mobile Business Mall
The last of my bulky paper telephone directories are now in the recycling bin. The technology revolution is accelerating. My business connections in Winnipeg are being uploaded so the businesses I wish to phone will be on a virtual mall. With just a tap on the phone number I can dial and connect with these businesses.
Apparently, this technology revolution began when a visionary in home computing made the statement, “Just give me a computer the size of a telephone sitting on a telephone directory”.
It was this idea that spurred the innovation to build desk top computers that are now a standard feature in homes and businesses worldwide. To fund this revolution required investors who could take a garage operation onto the largest stock exchange in the world. This is achieved by creating shareholder value that investors believe will result in an attractive return on investments.
Shareholder Value & Business Values
To create shareholder value a business has to hire the best minds with the right qualifications and competence to continually innovate to create marketable products. Competence requires an ability to accept the business values that drive the team to perform task that contribute to generating profits.
To sustain growth a business has to keep innovating to keep up with changes in the market.
Desk top computers are now giving way to mobile devices that operate through shared cloud computing power. We can watch hundreds of movies on a smart phone because all the movies we desire can be streamed from a giant computer server.
Similarly, we can now join a virtual business exchange that promotes businesses through social media platforms operated by multinational corporations. What makes this possible is the investments that fund managers make in these corporations that hire some of the best engineering and business minds in the world.
Leveraging World-class Technology
Imagine if you could hire graduates from the best business schools worldwide in the areas of innovation, operations, marketing and finance to run your business. With technology you can achieve this. A leader with the right mindset can leverage technology to run a highly competitive world-class enterprise.
You can sustain high business growth with sustained profits by using technology to respond rapidly to changes in your niche market.
A stand-alone pizza restaurant can compete with the largest global pizza chains to become the most popular pizza restaurant in the city. Business software and social media can create an efficient operations and marketing platform that enables the business to focus on delighting customers.
Today’s business success stories are increasingly being achieved through strategic alliances between giant technology providers and small businesses in small towns as well as big cities.
With the right mindset and business values you can create the necessary strategic alliances for success in our highly networked world.
Siddha Param
International Business Consultant
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