Be the Chief Consumer Advocate
Business is about generating profits. This requires innovations that trigger demand for your products and services. To stimulate innovation empower marketing with technology tools to analyse consumer feedback for a better understanding of what will trigger the consumer to make a decision to buy.
Technology today is moving towards converging the cyber and physical world. This means businesses need to:
1. Respond to consumer request for information on demand; and,
2. Be responsive to demands for customizing of products and services.
One size fits all products are giving way to tailoring to the taste of consumers.
How can your business do this and remain profitable?
It is important to have a two way conversation with consumers. We need to utilize technology not to replace but to support human interaction in the market place.
Internally, a business must establish open communications between finance, operations and marketing.
The role of marketing now goes beyond promoting products and services with the sole aim of generating sales. Marketing involves building customer relationships that encourage customers to identify the marketing person as the consumer’s advocate within the business. This advocacy can drive innovation in a direction that increases consumer confidence.
Give marketing the tools to build consumer trust and create opportunities for interaction with customers. A skilful use of web based content and physical meetings can encourage customer feedback that analytical tools can process into actionable information for business and market planning.
Use of technology in a business can also result in greater internal interaction across business areas and improve decision making. Maximum benefit from technology in business is achieved when a learning culture based on responsiveness to consumers is adopted.
A website with videos that provide a preview of your business offerings should be supported with follow up presentations that encourages the buying decision. To shift into high growth a business needs to be able to broadcast content effectively and respond to customer feedback in a timely manner.
Technology is most effective when utilised to implement a business plan that encourages greater responsiveness to customers. This is best achieved by aligning points made at meetings with information on websites and your business plan.
Siddha Param
International Business Consultant
Reboot your business plan for sustained high growth
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