Achieving more while doing less
Swiss Chocolates come from a country that produces no cocoa. In fact, it has been said that Switzerland is an expensive place to locate a factory. But we find consumers worldwide willing to pay premium pricing for premium quality Swiss chocolates.
To deliver premium quality requires an attitude and values that embraces delivering high quality in a timely and consistent manner. This requires a modern well-organized system run by highly efficient leaders.
All business leaders have the same 24 hours to achieve their personal and business goals. Successful leaders have the right values that guide them in making personal and business decisions.
Studies indicate that productivity declines when we work more than 50 hours a week. It is vital to take the weekend off to rejuvenate and refresh your body and mind. When your business values are in harmony with your personal values, time away from work becomes a stimulant that increases work productivity.
To be a more productive leader focus on the following:
Take Time-out
Today’s business world operates 24/7 but you should not be working 24/7. Avoid burn-out and reduced productivity by planning for the week ahead before you leave work. Delegate as much task as possible to qualified individuals. Automate your business where possible. Without auto-pilot there would be less flights connecting people and places worldwide.
Set up guidelines and a protocol for responding to emergencies and critical business matters. When away from work take time to enjoy life. Organize your “Me time” as well as your “Family & Social time”.
Thinking Time
It is important to be well rested and to have time to think and reflect on personal and business matters. Very often an, “Aha! Moment” comes at the least expected moment in time.
Archimedes a famous ancient Greek mathematician is reputed to have had his “ Eureka” moment about volumes and density while taking a bath. In his excitement he is said to have run out into the streets naked shouting out his discovery.
Walk The Talk
Productive leaders achieve sustained high performance and attain goals by being consistent in their words and action. The best leaders lead through example. They will set out a vision and perform the necessary task set out in their plan of action.
Business success comes to those who dare to articulate a plan and take action. It is the “follow through” on your ideas that leads you to achieving your goals. The confidence to act decisively comes from having positive values that are personally uplifting. Create a work and personal life balance that is energizing and allow this energy to drive your business towards success.
Siddha Param
International Business Consultant
Reboot your business plan for sustained high growth
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