Greening for sustained high growth
From the ancient Greeks we learn that the word “ecology” is the study of the environment and “economics” is the management of the environment.
Business management talks about managing internal and external eco-systems.
The internal eco-system of the business is made up of stakeholder relationships that include leaders, managers and staff.
The external eco-system of the business is made up of stakeholder relationships that include investors, suppliers and customers.
A further complexity arises in business management where we now have to understand the environmental impact of business activity. Sustainability is on the lips of business leaders who see the genius of human innovation creating new business opportunities. This happens when technology changes consumer mindsets.
Independent Consumer Power Producers
We are fast moving towards intelligent homes and commercial spaces powered by electricity generated by on-site solar and geothermal systems. These systems can sell and buy electrical energy from the commercial power transmission corporations. The problem of winter storms causing power outages may become a thing of the past.
The internet of things will allow our home and office appliances and equipment to decide when to switch on or off based on optimum price for electricity. Our intelligent cars may help us decide meeting schedules by working out the best travel time to avoid traffic congestion.
Rural, Town & City E-Commutes
Currently if we can’t make it to a physical business meeting we can tele-commute using skype, face-time and any number of voice over the internet protocols.
Cloud computing allows multiple devises to access business management and marketing systems from anywhere in the world. In India computer engineers and technologist are now able to live in their home villages and connect with the Information Technology companies they work with in Bangalore that in turn are connected through the internet to client corporations in the United States.
Today’s small businesses can serve a global consumer base simply be utilising cloud based business computing systems to deliver products along a supply chain from manufacturer to consumer using shipping, courier and postal services.
The Curly Light Bulb Moment
When consumers ask questions like, "'Tell me if these curly bulbs will help me save money?"' we know that the green economy has arrived.
Save energy is a mantra that promotes energy efficient products. As the numbers of the global middleclass grow, demand for more and more consumer goods will grow. The quantum leap in technology such as hologram computing and 3D printing will make it possible to meet this exponential growth in consumer demand.
On-line Providers
Amazon started as an on-line book distributor providing on-line purchase of physical and E-books. Today it is essentially an on-line virtual shopping mall selling a whole range of products in competition with warehouse style departmental stores and physical malls. Chat rooms and social media video systems now allow for human social interaction the same way as cafes and restaurants.
Universities and consultants now provide information and knowledge through on-line lectures, seminars and consulting advice.
Continual “lifelong learning” has replaced “lifelong earning” as the new normal.
Work and job functions are evolving and if we do not acquire new knowledge and skills we may become obsolete.
On-Demand Cloud Economy
Real change and permanent cost savings only happen when there is a commitment to sustainability throughout the entire business organization. Business planning has to focus on promoting a culture of competitiveness based on embracing change and encouraging innovation. Cloud computing has transformed the internet into a virtual shopping mall.
We now have an E-commerce economy that is worth around US $1.5 trillion. No business is too small to benefit from this economy.
Siddha Param
International Business Consultant
Reboot your business plan for sustained high growth
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